David enjoys, and is passionate about, making a positive difference in the community.
Some current, and recent, involvements by David and Positive Potential include:
- Board Trustee at Marlborough Sustainable Housing Trust providing affordable housing to benefit people in charitable need in Marlborough.
- Former Appointed Board Member at MotorSport New Zealand the governing body for Motor Sports in New Zealand.
- Former Board Trustee at Destination Marlborough (DM). DM is the Regional Tourism Operator for Marlborough, New Zealand.
- David is a former Mentor for Business Mentors New Zealand operating across the Marlborough Region - offering top-notch advice, confidential consultations, training, business mentoring and networking to business owners, or those considering starting a business.
- Former Chairman of Kimi Hauora Wairau - the Marlborough Primary Health Organisation (PHO). The PHO is committed to working with our communities to provide top-quality, relevant and accessible health services to over 42,000 people across Marlborough. Current key focus area are: chronic conditions (diabetes and cardiovascular disease); promoting good health in older people; child and youth good health; mental health issues; health promotion activities; and equity of access to services.
- David is a former Mentor for the Pacific Business Mentoring Programme a fully funded New Zealand Aid Programme initiative. The Pacific Business Mentoring Programme provides a unique, volunteer mentoring service to help small and medium businesses succeed and grow.
- Former Board Member at Marlborough Chamber of Commerce.
- Former Board Advisor to Opportunity International Bank, a microfinance institution in Malawi, for over four years. Opportunity International serves the marginalised people of Malawi with savings and loan products to allow them to work free of poverty, with dignity, through enterprise.
- Former Trustee at the Foundation for Youth Development (FYD) Marlborough - an organisation which aims to inspire school-age children reach their full potential through a range of programmes which help build self-esteem, good values, life and education skills.
- Former Board Member at Marlborough Netball - an organisation which promotes and develops the game of netball. There are over 1,200 members across the Marlborough region.
Positive Potential - proud to be making a positive difference.